Friday, August 8, 2008

The timing of this week could not be worse. I am 20 minutes away from the final and I have had minimal sleep, about 3 hours, because I am in the process of moving. My check out of my house was today at 11:45. I have spent all week moving and cleaning. But like the theme of this class, we have hard times and we suffer so we can write about it and learn and help other people learn how to be strong. I have had a wonderful time in this class. In the course of my college career I have been really disappointed with my teachers at MSU. In high school I had some memorable teachers, ones that have changed my life and that I will never forget. I can honestly say that Mr. Sexson has been one of the best teachers I have had at MSU. Even though he is a bit on the old side and my first impressions were that he was going to be old fashioned in his teaching, he has proved to be very "with the times" and hip as a teacher. He taught us the classics but integrated modern techniques, such as the blogs for example to mesh with the technological generation.

This class has helped me further understand the power of stories. All we are are the stories we have. Sometimes the funnest part of an adventure is the aftermath and the opportunity to tell that story to other people. Some of the most enjoyable moments of my life is not partying or doing extreme activities, but its sitting with a few friends exchanging stories with them. The story is a powerful tool. It can teach, inform, entertain, enlighten, and save us from the trials and tribulations in our lives. Mr. Dickens knew this, Mr. Watts knew this, Matilda Knew this, Mr. Sexson knew this and now I know this. I am a storyteller.

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